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October 9, 2009 - By Elia Associates

CONDOCENTRIC: The Collection Process

Collecting common expenses represents the financial life-blood of a condominium corporation – the cash-flow, without which, a condominium corporation cannot carry out its duties.


October 9, 2009 - By Elia Associates

CONDOCENTRIC: Mould and Grow-Ops: A Growth Industry

The prevalence of grow-ops in Canada can be attributed to one single stimulus – money to be made; lots and lots of money. A typical grow-op consists of about 400 plants which can be harvested every 3 months. This cycle will produce 1,600 plants per year which can generate a …


October 9, 2009 - By Elia Associates

CONDOCENTRIC: Leadership In The Condominium Universe

As in any organization with multiple stakeholders, getting things done in a condominium complex can be a daunting task. Multiple players with multiple agendas, positions and perceptions often serve to grind forward progress to a halt, and this can prove extremely frustrating for a Property Manager or Board member who …


October 9, 2009 - By Elia Associates

CONDOCENTRIC: Would You Like Fries With That?

Unfortunately it is not the exception in practice that we are asked to review contracts and other agreements on very short notice, often with the instant expectation that we will simply state that all is well. To practice in this way is irresponsible on the part of the lawyer, and …


October 9, 2009 - By Elia Associates

CONDOCENTRIC: The Bureau: A Missed Opportunity?

From development to the end-use state, the condominium community is fraught with conflict that must be addressed. What makes this industry ripe for creative, non-litigious dispute resolution is the need for healthy, ongoing relationships among most, or all, stakeholders involved.



October 9, 2009 - By Elia Associates

CONDOCENTRIC: Beyond The Boardroom

Mr. Erwin E. Hart and Mr. Harry Bhalla have 30 years and 12,614 kilometres between them, yet they remain the best of friends.  Before Mr. Bhalla left Canada in 1997, he and Mr. Hart were both owners in the same condominium corporation. Out of a mutual concern with respect to …


October 9, 2009 - By Elia Associates

CONDOCENTRIC: Good Corporate Governance: Practice Tips

What is Corporate Governance?  Why is it important?  Corporate Governance refers to the system by which entities are directed and controlled. Corporate Governance is the set of processes and procedures by which an entity's objectives are established, achieved and monitored. 


October 8, 2009 - By Elia Associates

CONDOCENTRIC: Parking Issues

Improperly parked motor vehicles on condominium property continue to create headaches for condominiums, unit owners, and their guests. To complicate matters, many municipalities are in the process of redrafting their parking by-laws. The city of Toronto, for example, has a new parking by-law, which is scheduled to come into effect …


October 8, 2009 - By Elia Associates

CONDOCENTRIC: The Shortage of Lawyers in Kingston

In a letter to Shirley Ballantyne, a member of the ACMO Regional Committee in Kingston, Richard Elia, LL.B., addressed the apparent problem of a shortage of experience condominium lawyers in the Kingston area.  A copy of Elia’s letter was received by CM Condominium Manager and we think it will be …


October 8, 2009 - By Elia Associates

CONDOCENTRIC: The Standard Unit By-Law: What it is - NOT!

From inquiries that I continue to receive, it appears that there is still some general misunderstanding concerning the purpose and limitations of the standard unit by-law.

A Standard Unit By-law IS:

1. A means of determining what constitutes an improvement to a unit (and might include floor coverings, …